About me

24 Sep

I’m 25 years old, and I’m a virgin. It’s not a religious choice, I’m not socially awkward (in general) and I have plenty of friends. And yet I’ve never had a boyfriend (well, not since I was 15, and we all know that kind of high school hand-holding doesn’t really count) and I’m finding myself more and more afraid of the dating world. The idea of going on a date fills me with dread. And when I looked it up on Google, sure that I wouldn’t be alone, there was nothing much to be found.

So I started this blog. Half to give me somewhere to talk about the things that I’m too afraid and embarrassed to verbalise to my friends and family, and half in the hope of giving others like me a place to talk too. Comments are enabled on all posts here, but feel free to reply anonymously. After all, I’m not revealing my identity either.

That’s me in a nutshell.

3 Responses to “About me”

  1. Tom October 11, 2010 at 6:55 am #

    Hey I somehow stumbled on what I guess was your question on msn.com asking some doctor about still being a virgin and having trouble getting into a relationship. And it had a link to your blog. I’m a 25 year old man from the America and I know exactly how you feel and it sucks. Wish I had an easy answer for ya but just know other people are out there in the same boat, though not many lol. I give you credit for talking about it. For me it’s a secret I want no one knowing and I’m completely ashamed by it which makes it really difficult to meet anyone. I hope you find someone because no one deserves to be in this position, keep ya head up.

  2. virgin25 October 22, 2010 at 7:39 pm #

    Thanks 🙂 I don’t want anybody knowing really either – that’s the beauty of the internet I guess! I can open up as much as I like because nobody will ever know it’s really me!

    It is really good to know I’m not alone, though. 🙂

  3. neverhadaboyfriend April 10, 2011 at 9:58 pm #

    Just checked out your blog, good luck to you!! You certainly have more balls than me right now giving speed dating a shot. 🙂

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